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Ultimately you will make a single decision

At some point, either by intention or by consequence, you are going to deicde whether you will take the " Hard landing" or the "Soft Landing". Before you choose you will have to answer these questions first:
  • how much control is in your hands?
  • what risks are you NOT willing to take
  • How much time is left to resolve?
  • How much time do you have to spend?
  • How much money do you have to spend?
  • Do you want the "hard" or "soft" landing?

The Hard Landing

It's completely unnecessary, and it will unnecessarily make your life excessively complicated and restricted. It's avoidable, but here is what you can expect to experience for at least 7 years with that decision.

The Soft Landing

It's quick and simple, it's a return to normalcy, a clean slate, and a financial 2nd chance to safely start all over again without bearing heavy consequences. Here is where you could be if you made that decision.

The more you wait to decide and to act, the more the liklihood that you will no longer have the choices you had only weeks ago.

We are here to help

While we are not a charity, our work helps people out of very difficult situations.

Get your problem solved now

Do not wait! It's not going to just turn around. . . Protect yourself from the unnecessary harships and consequences that come from either a lack of action, the wrong action, or making poor or uninformed decisions. Just click any of the contact buttons on this page or complete the form below to speak with one of us privately and confidentially, and get yourself on the path to normalcy.

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