Foreclosure timeline
1 - Default
- advising you of the missing payment
- letting you know of any fee or charge to be incurred
- advising what is needed to normailze the account in a timely manner to avoid a serious situation
- explaining what will happen if payments are missed 3 more times
After 4 missed payments the lender is able to begin the process of forclosing on your home.
2 - Lis Pendens
This is the official public notification that your lender intends to foreclose on your house. It's actually a "lawsuit" demanding full payment of the remaining balance.
At this point many homeowners make the mistake of hiring attorneys to delay court actions while incurring significant additional costs, all of which make it even more expensive, more risky, and less attractive for anyone to be able to help the homowner and stop the foreclosure.
3 - Summary Judgement
This the final court action before the auction, after which an auction date will be set.
This court action happens only weeks after the Lis Pendens and is the date on which the court determines the final amount the borrower will owe to the lender after the home is auctioned off to the highest bidder.
4 - Auction
This is the end of the line when the home will be taken from the homeowner and sold to the highest bidder.
It usually occurs several weeks after the ummary Judgement. The longer homeowners wait, the more difficult it is to save them from this final step.